Look at our domain pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business.


Take a look at our Domains pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business


Take a look at our Domain pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business

View the details below

Domain names are online addresses that people use to access websites on the internet. Choose one of the most common TLDs:, .com, .joburg, .capetown, .durban, etc. or browse through the below list to select the correct one for you.

View the details below

Domain names are online addresses that people use to access websites on the internet. Choose one of the most common TLDs:, .com, .joburg, .capetown, .durban, etc. or browse through the below list to select the correct one for you.

View the

details below

Domain names are online addresses that people use to access websites on the internet. Choose one of the most common TLDs:, .com, .joburg, .capetown, .durban, etc. or browse through the below list to select the correct one for you.

Top-level domains (TLD)












Annual price per domain

R96.94 per year

R260.69 per year

R623.12 per year

R260.69 per year

R96.94 per year

R113.66 per year

R113.66 per year

R113.66 per year

R113.66 per year

R392.30 per year

R830.10 per year

R979.58 per year

R65.45 per year

R312.67 per year

R96.94 per year

R96.94 per year

R278.17 per year

R278.17 per year

R335.66 per year

Top-level domains (TLD)

R96.94 per year


R260.69 per year


R623.12 per year


R260.69 per year

R96.94 per year


R113.66 per year


R113.66 per year


R113.66 per year


R113.66 per year

R392.30 per year

R830.10 per year

R979.58 per year

R65.45 per year


R312.67 per year

R96.94 per year

R96.94 per year


R278.17 per year


R278.17 per year


R335.66 per year

View Details
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