Take a look at our product pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business.


Take a look at our Email Marketing pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business


Take a look at our Email Marketing pricing below and choose the package that best suits you and your business

View the details below

Supercharge your marketing efforts and engage your audience on a personal level with email marketing – seize the opportunity to grow your business today!

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Supercharge your marketing efforts and engage your audience on a personal level with email marketing – seize the opportunity to grow your business today!

Number of subscribers

The number of users you can email or initiate automation with


+1 000










Number of emails

The number of emails you can send per month: every subscriber gets x12 emails per month (example: +1000 addon comes with 12,000 emails per month)

6 000

12 000

30 000

60 000

120 000

180 000

300 000

600 000

900 000

1 200 000

1 200 000+


The subscription is paid monthly for sending emails

R180 per month

R380 per month

R580 per month

R980 per month

R1 580 per month

R2 180 per month

R3 180 per month

R5 780 per month

R6 980 per month

R7 980 per month

*For every subscriber, you get x12 emails per month (for example: the +1000 addon comes with 12,000 emails per month, additional emails are R16.00 per 1000 emails). All prices are in USD.

Number of emails

The number of emails you can send per month: every subscriber gets x12 emails per month (example: +1000 addon comes with 12,000 emails per month)

+500 Subscribers

6 000 Emails

R180 per month

+1 000 Subscribers

12 000 Emails

R380 per month

+2,500 Subscribers

30 000 Emails

R580 per month

+5,000 Subscribers

60 000 Emails

R980 per month

+10,000 Subscribers

120 000 Emails

R1 580 per month

+15,000 Subscribers

180 000 Emails

R2 180 per month

+25,000 Subscribers

300 000 Emails

R3 180 per month

600 000 Emails

+50,000 Subscribers

R5 780 per month

900 000 Emails

+75,000 Subscribers

R6 980 per month

1 200 000 Emails

+100,000 Subscribers

R7 980 per month

1 200 000+ Emails

100,000+ Subscribers

Price on Request

*For every subscriber, you get x12 emails per month (for example: the +1000 addon comes with 12,000 emails per month, additional emails are R16.00 per 1000 emails). All prices are in USD.

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