Use our interactive tools to gather information, opinions, or feedback from individuals by presenting them with a series of questions or tasks. Ready to sign up and send your first survey?

Generate a higher number of leads by utilising our user-friendly quiz and survey builder

Attract more attention to your business with our simple quiz and survey tool, or let Digitise handle it for you

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz using Digitise

Explore the fun of creating your first Quiz with Digitise by following our step-by-step guide, designed to make the process simple and enjoyable

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Quiz and Survey features

Our Quizzes and Surveys make engaging with your audience and gathering valuable feedback straightforward. Take a look at some of the features below:

A/B Testing

This enables you to compare different versions of your quizzes or surveys to determine the most effective one

Quiz Logic

Create interactive quizzes that respond based on logic, making them more engaging and user-friendly

Drag-and-drop builder

This will allow you to easily and conveniently design your quizzes or surveys

Email Automation

Streamline the follow-up process by sending automated emails, and nurture your leads effectively


Use our interactive tools to gather information, opinions, or feedback from individuals by presenting them with a series of questions or tasks. Ready to sign up and send your first survey?


Use our interactive tools to gather information, opinions, or feedback from individuals by presenting them with a series of questions or tasks. Ready to sign up and send your first survey?

Sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz funnel using Digitise

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz funnel using Digitise

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz funnel using Digitise

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz funnel using Digitise.

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Follow our step-by-step guide on creating your first Quiz funnel using Digitise.

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Add quizzes or surveys effortlessly to your web pages, resulting in a more effective lead generation process. It offers various features:

Add quizzes or surveys effortlessly to your web pages, resulting in a more effective lead generation process. It offers various features:

A/B Testing

Enabling you to compare different versions of your quizzes or surveys to determine the most effective one

Drag & Drop builder

To easily and conveniently design your quizzes or surveys

Quiz logic

Which allows you to create dynamic quizzes with logic-based responses

Email automations

To streamline the follow-up process and nurture leads effectively

A/B Testing

Enabling you to compare different versions of your quizzes or surveys to determine the most effective one

Drag & Drop builder

To easily and conveniently design your quizzes or surveys

Quiz logic

Which allows you to create dynamic quizzes with logic-based responses

Email automations

To streamline the follow-up process and nurture leads effectively

A/B Testing

Enabling you to compare different versions of your quizzes or surveys to determine the most effective one

Drag & Drop builder

To easily and conveniently design your quizzes or surveys

Quiz logic

Which allows you to create dynamic quizzes with logic-based responses

Email automations

To streamline the follow-up process and nurture leads effectively

A/B Testing

Enabling you to compare different versions of your quizzes or surveys to determine the most effective one

Drag & Drop builder

To easily and conveniently design your quizzes or surveys

Quiz logic

Which allows you to create dynamic quizzes with logic-based responses

Email automations

To streamline the follow-up process and nurture leads effectively

Digitise can build your creative quiz or surveys on your website

Digitise can empower your business to craft quizzes on your behalf, with unlimited steps, offering diverse layouts, options, skip logic, and scoring possibilities

This gives the freedom to design engaging and dynamic assessments, tailored to your needs

Create a quiz funnel

in a matter of seconds

With our user-friendly tools, you can swiftly create your funnel steps, conduct A/B testing to optimise performance, and seamlessly build captivating landing pages as well as quiz result pages

Or even better, get Digitise to build it for you, in a matter of seconds

Create result pages with our drag-and-drop builder

With this powerful tool, you can create custom results pages that align perfectly with your brand and cater to your audience's preferences

Whether you want to display tailored content, offer personalised recommendations, or showcase unique offers based on quiz outcomes, the possibilities are limitless

Get creative and design quiz result pages that leave a lasting impression on your audience or contact us to assist you

Unleash your creativity and build quizzes and surveys on your website.

Our quiz builder empowers you to craft quizzes with unlimited steps, offering diverse layouts, options, skip logic, and scoring possibilities, giving you the freedom to design engaging and dynamic assessments tailored to your specific needs.

Effortlessly construct a quiz funnel in a matter of seconds.

With our user-friendly tools, you can swiftly create your funnel steps, conduct A/B testing to optimize performance, and seamlessly build captivating landing pages and quiz result pages. Our intuitive platform streamlines the process, making it easy for you to design a high-converting funnel that aligns perfectly with your objectives.

What we offer for each 

membership or subscription

Use Digitise's marketing and sales tools to enhance the experience customers have on your online store

Unleash your creativity and build quizzes and surveys on your website.

Our quiz builder empowers you to craft quizzes with unlimited steps, offering diverse layouts, options, skip logic, and scoring possibilities, giving you the freedom to design engaging and dynamic assessments tailored to your specific needs.

Unleash your creativity and build quizzes and surveys on your website.

Our quiz builder empowers you to craft quizzes with unlimited steps, offering diverse layouts, options, skip logic, and scoring possibilities, giving you the freedom to design engaging and dynamic assessments tailored to your specific needs.

Turn visitors into revenue

Transform visitors into paying customers by smoothly incorporating checkouts and products into your quiz funnel, allowing you to accept payments and capitalise on audience engagement

Improve user experience

Enhance user satisfaction by customising the quiz journey with step skipping, enabling users to skip certain quiz steps based on their answers for a more personalised and streamlined experience

Monitor and manage user data

Handle user data by categorising individuals according to their quiz responses and scores. This allows you to extract valuable insights and efficiently target specific groups within your quiz funnel

Craft personalized result pages with ease using our smoothest drag-and-drop builder.

With this powerful tool, you can create custom results pages that align perfectly with your brand and cater to your audience's preferences. Whether you want to display tailored content, offer personalized recommendations, or showcase unique offers based on quiz outcomes, the possibilities are limitless. Get creative and design quiz result pages that leave a lasting impression on your audience!

Craft personalized result pages with ease using our smoothest drag-and-drop builder.

With this powerful tool, you can create custom results pages that align perfectly with your brand and cater to your audience's preferences. Whether you want to display tailored content, offer personalized recommendations, or showcase unique offers based on quiz outcomes, the possibilities are limitless. Get creative and design quiz result pages that leave a lasting impression on your audience!

Effortlessly construct a quiz funnel in a matter of seconds.

With our user-friendly tools, you can swiftly create your funnel steps, conduct A/B testing to optimize performance, and seamlessly build captivating landing pages and quiz result pages. Our intuitive platform streamlines the process, making it easy for you to design a high-converting funnel that aligns perfectly with your objectives.

Craft personalized result pages with ease using our smoothest drag-and-drop builder.

With this powerful tool, you can create custom results pages that align perfectly with your brand and cater to your audience's preferences. Whether you want to display tailored content, offer personalized recommendations, or showcase unique offers based on quiz outcomes, the possibilities are limitless. Get creative and design quiz result pages that leave a lasting impression on your audience!

Monetize your visitors

Seamlessly integrate checkouts and products into your quiz funnel, enabling you to accept payments and capitalize on your audience's engagement.

Enhance your user experience

Tailor the quiz journey by implementing step skipping, allowing users to bypass certain quiz steps based on their answers, ensuring a more relevant and efficient interaction.

Track and tack user data

Effortlessly organize and track user data by tagging individuals based on their quiz answers and final scores, enabling you to gain valuable insights and target specific segments effectively within your quiz funnel.

Monetize your visitors

Seamlessly integrate checkouts and products into your quiz funnel, enabling you to accept payments and capitalize on your audience's engagement.

Enhance your user experience

Tailor the quiz journey by implementing step skipping, allowing users to bypass certain quiz steps based on their answers, ensuring a more relevant and efficient interaction.

Track and tack user data

Effortlessly organize and track user data by tagging individuals based on their quiz answers and final scores, enabling you to gain valuable insights and target specific segments effectively within your quiz funnel.

Monetize your visitors

Seamlessly integrate checkouts and products into your quiz funnel, enabling you to accept payments and capitalize on your audience's engagement.

Enhance your user experience

Tailor the quiz journey by implementing step skipping, allowing users to bypass certain quiz steps based on their answers, ensuring a more relevant and efficient interaction.

Track and tack user data

Effortlessly organize and track user data by tagging individuals based on their quiz answers and final scores, enabling you to gain valuable insights and target specific segments effectively within your quiz funnel.

Elevate your communication

Start your quiz or survey today and begin leveraging the power of data-driven interactions to connect smarter with your users.

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